When is a temporary event notice required?

When you’re holding an event, it’s important to check if you’re going to need a Temporary Event Notice. It’s all well and good letting your neighbours know that you’re holding an event and to make allowances for the noise. It’s important to be aware of any other requirements depending on what you’re going to be doing, where you’re going to be doing it and how many people will be attending.
What Is a Temporary Event Notice?
A Temporary Event Notice is also known as a TEN and you will need to get one if you’re planning on carrying out any ‘licensable activities’ on unlicensed premises in England or Wales. This includes selling alcohol, serving alcohol to members of a private club providing entertainment, such as music, dancing or indoor sporting events and serving hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am.
If you’re holding an event at a venue such as community centre, then you’ll need to check what licence this venue already has – as it might be covered for some activities but not for serving alcohol for example, so you would still need to apply for a temporary event notice.
What are the restrictions?
While getting a temporary event notice allows you to do certain activities, there are also restrictions which you must adhere to. These include having no more than 500 people at your event at all times including any staff. Your event must last for seven days at the most and you must be 18 to apply for a temporary event notice.
How many temporary event notices can I apply for?
If you’re holding regular events then you may need to apply for more than one temporary event notice as you will need one for each event, even if it is at the same venue. However, you can apply for 5 temporary event notices a year and if you’re planning on holding more events than that, then it might be an idea to apply for a personal alcohol licence so that you can apply for up to 50 temporary event notices a year.
How do I apply for a temporary event notice?
You will need to pay for a temporary event notice, and you will have to apply to your local council at least ten working days before the event. However, you should apply as soon as you can for the temporary event notice as you’ll also need to send a copy to the police and environmental health also at least ten working days before the event, however, if you apply online, the council will contact the police and environmental health for you, so you save yourself a job.
Will there be any objections?
Be aware that your temporary event notice could be rejected, however this is only if the police or environmental health object to the event and they must do this within three working days of receiving it. They will only object to it if they think that your event could lead to crime and disorder, cause a public nuisance, be a threat to public safety or put children at risk of harm
The council cannot refuse a notice themselves and it can be appealed. To find out more about a temporary event notice and to apply online, visit your local council’s website and remember to give yourself plenty of time.